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TIPS AND TRICKS: Spring cleaning INSIDE your vehicle

Tips and tricks: spring cleaning inside your vehicle

How many of you dread giving your vehicle a spring clean? Well, us too. It's a necessary evil, but it can make all the difference – not only to you, but to your customers too. Vanarama's Laura Day reveals why.

While Spring brings all sorts of loveliness, most importantly an Easter break filled with lots of chocolate eggs and Bank Holidays too, it's also an indication for 'that time of year' – a Spring clean.

Doing the outside of your vehicle is the easy part, you can get a sponge and some warm soapy water over your vehicle no problem – job done. It's the clutter INSIDE that can really build up and, let's be honest, no one enjoys doing it.

It can be daunting, especially when it's something you've been putting off since last Spring! But we're sure these tips will give you the right encouragement and help to ensure that cleaning the inside of your vehicle is as easy as pie.

1. Stop putting it off!

Stop telling yourself that 'you'll do it later', because let's face it – you won't. The easiest way to stop putting it off is to simply decide on a day and stick to it. If you tell yourself you'll do it later, you're just lying to yourself.

Pick a day when the weather looks like it will be decent, because you're much more likely to want to spend an hour or two outside cleaning your van if it's not raining or freezing. So, check the weather forecast to help you choose your perfect day.

And remember, just because you're doing a spot of spring cleaning doesn't mean you can't have fun while you're doing it. Why not get your favourite CD and blast some of the best old school tunes while you're at it? Trust me, the time will go a lot quicker that it will barely feel like a chore anymore.


2. Time allocation

Allocate yourself a specific period of time to complete the task. If you tell yourself you will spend the WHOLE afternoon doing it, it's likely that you a) will get bored and won't get the job done, meaning you'll have to finish doing it the next day (which might not even happen anyway), or b) won't do it to the best of your ability, because you'll be constantly thinking about all the other things you would rather be doing!

So, my advice? Set yourself a realistic time frame to get the job done – an hour, maybe two – and this way you can dedicate your time to making sure you get the job finished, to the very best of your ability.


3. The 3-box trick

To save yourself wasting time and making too many trips to and from your house, bring 3 boxes outside and sit them next to your vehicle. The first for rubbish, the second for recycling, and the third for things that need returning to the house. This is the easiest way to distribute the stuff that you've cleared from your vehicle in the most time-efficient way.

Be brutal – get rid of things in your glovebox that you don't use and that have been sat there for years. Get rid of old tools that you NEVER use, and rubbish that's been lying on the floor for weeks.

The less cluttered the inside of your vehicle is, the more organised and prepared you'll feel when you're driving from job to job.


4. Hoover o'clock

Now you've got rid of all the unnecessary items and rubbish that's been lingering for way too long inside your vehicle, it's time to get the hoover out.

Before you do this, remove the floor mats and give them a good shake to get rid of any loose mud or dirt. Then, get the hoover working over pretty much all of the interior. That's the floor, the seats, the cargo space – the lot.

It's astonishing how a quick hoover can transform a vehicle, but it really does make all the difference.

And, remember to give the dashboard and steering wheel a good wipe down too before you finish.


5. Maintenance is key

In order to keep the inside of your vehicle looking pristine, keep a microfibre duster, dustpan and brush and a pack of wet wipes inside the vehicle permanently. This way you can easily keep on top of any dirt that appears before it builds up and creates a big mess again.

Maintaining the cleanliness is just as important as actually doing it in the first place, because what's the point in doing it if you're just going to let it get extra messy again? So, be tough on yourself, and be sure to stick to your new clutter and dirt-free and regime.


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